Construction Law

4 Suggestions for Selecting a Construction Lawyer
A knowledgeable and skilled construction attorney will have a thorough understanding of how business is done in the construction industry. Additionally, he or she will recognize contract terms and will work diligently to negotiate the best outcome for you and your business interests. We hope you’ll consider these four suggestions before selecting a construction lawyer to represent you in a dispute.
Choose a Board Certified Construction Lawyer
To be certified is the highest level of recognition by The Florida Bar, with the individual being certified by the Supreme Court of Florida. A certified construction lawyer is one who has practiced law 40 hours a week for a minimum of five years and completed many hours of continued legal education.
Choose Someone Local
Choose a West Palm construction attorney who is located and situated in the same city. They, more than anyone else, will understand the legal information in your community. Don’t forget to use an attorney who has the experience and expertise to represent you during a litigation or arbitration. Review the firm’s website to learn about their background, specialties, and credentials.
Know the Rates
Most legal fees are determined based on hourly billing rates. Find out the hourly rates of the lawyer you wish to hire. Although lawyers often refer to “standard” rates, you should also inquire about blended rates, flat fees, fee caps, and contingent fees.
The Earlier the Better
The earlier you involve a construction lawyer the earlier you can determine your preparedness with each client. The risks will also be lowered if you involve the legal representative earlier. Think of your lawyer as a planning and proactive resource rather than a reactive tool. Once you pick a construction attorney, try not to hire a new and different lawyer every time a concern or legal matter comes along.
If you would like to speak with a West Palm construction lawyer, please contact us at 954.210.8735, or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.