OSHA Defense

6 Ways to Create a Culture of Safety on Jobsites Part 1
Safety is an integral part of the construction industry. As a result, construction companies are working diligently to reduce the number of incidents on jobsites. This two-part article is a resource for employers to aid in the reduction and elimination of construction hazards. These adjustments may seem costly and time-consuming initially; however, making these changes will transform your jobsite to an exemplary one. Head over to part two of the article to read the rest of the tips.
1. Train Workers
Properly training workers to do their jobs, starting from day one, is a crucial part of any company’s safety program. A good training program requires you to understand the needs of your employees and what resources to provide to address those needs. Workers should know how to use the equipment for their specific job, understand safety expectations, and know the safety risks relevant to their specific job. A poorly trained worker will only increase your liability and your need for an OSHA defense lawyer.
2. Acknowledge Women
Women are entering the construction industry at an increasing rate. Employers cannot afford to ignore the unique safety and health concerns of their female construction workers. In order for female workers to be successful, they must have access to clothing and equipment that fits them. The availability of sanitary toilets and adequate on-the-job-training is also vital. Furthermore, employers must be mindful to ensure that the workplace is not a hostile environment for female employees.
3. Provide the Right Tools and Equipment
If you are providing workers with the wrong equipment, you are already setting yourself up for failure. Some of the most cited construction hazards include working at heights, moving objects, falls, excessive noise, and airborne hazards. Are you supplying your workers with the right gear, tools, and equipment to protect them? If not, you may as well prepare to hire an OSHA defense lawyer because you are only increasing the risk of sickness, injuries, and fatalities.
To request a consultation with an experienced OSHA attorney, please call us today at 813.579.3278 or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.