Construction Law

A Look at Common Construction Disputes Part 1
Our Brandon construction attorneys will be the first to tell you that working in construction is risky business. Owners, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and engineers alike find themselves in arbitration or end up in litigation due to reasons stemming from contract breaches, construction delays, defects, and a whole list of other disputes. If you’re wondering what the most frequent causes of disputes in the construction industry are, we’ll give you a list of the ones we see the most. Read Part 2 for more disputes.
Contract Issues
First and foremost, the contract is what guides the entire project from beginning to completion and in areas from payment to performance. A poorly written contract is prey for litigation when it fails to clearly identify and specify important terms and conditions that govern all contractual parties. Does your contract define in clear language each party’s obligations, risks, and liabilities? The contract is also your opportunity to identify by what method disputes will be handled. This is why important clauses must be agreed on and added to the contract. For example, if a project is delayed due to severe whether a delay provision can address if and how extensions will be granted. If you want to ensure your project runs smoothly, be sure to have a legal expert such as a Brandon construction lawyer to review your contract before the project commences.
Poor Management
It’s imperative projects run effectively and efficiently. This is where highly experienced project managers come into play. A construction project must be executed by planning and coordinating from the onset. Examples of ineffective management includes:
- Poor crew supervision
- Lack of management resources
- A lack of skilled workers
- An inefficient or no safety program in place
- Lack of pre-construction planning
Continuous monitoring is key to catching nuances before they start or before they escalate into legal problems.
To request a consultation with an experienced Brandon construction attorney, please call us today at 813.579.3278 or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.