Construction Law
Addressing Stress in the Construction Workplace Part 1
For many in the construction industry, the work environment can be stressful for various reasons. Materials may arrive late, weather may cause delays, and if projects fall behind schedule, workers carry the weight of completing the projects on time and within budget.
Stress contributes to illnesses and injuries in the workplace which can ultimately lead to OSHA-related violations of which an Orlando construction attorney could provide some guidance to ensure these types of risks are minimized and eliminated. This two-part article will provide helpful ways to address stress in the construction workplace. Read part two for the conclusion of the article.
Signs of Job Stress
Stress is often ignored because we perceive it as normal. It is true that we all experience different levels of stress, in fact, some stress is good. However, there are some signs of stress that need to be recognized and dealt with before it progresses. These signs include:
- Fatigue
- Low morale
- Anxiety or irritability
- Alcohol or drug use
- Trouble concentrating
- A change in appetite
- Workplace incidents or violence
Factors That Contribute to Workplace Stress
There are a number of factors and practices that can impact job-related stress. Working in construction often entails long hours and weekend work. The excessive workload and inflexible scheduling can be grueling for the workers and their families. Additionally, a worker can be anxious about being laid off if the company isn’t performing well. Other stressors include:
- Infrequent breaks to refuel
- Low pay and little to no benefits
- Poor communication
- Discrimination
- Conflicting job expectations
- No career trajectory
- A lack of training and poor safety conditions
- A lack of support from peers or management
- A lack of performance measurements
According to The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), stress in small doses isn’t harmful but a combination of constant and high-stress situations can become problematic for construction professionals when they aren’t managed properly.
If you would like to speak with an Orlando construction attorney, please contact us at 407.378.6575, or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.