Construction Law

Bradenton Construction Lawyer
OSHA Defense
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a Department of Labor agency that is charged with the task of regulating workplaces to ensure employers are providing a safe and healthy work environment for their employees. OSHA ensures employer compliance through the use of a strict inspection process and harsh penalties for violations. Violations can result in hefty fines or even costly litigation.
At Cotney Attorneys & Consultants, our Bradenton construction lawyers are OSHA defense experts. We have the experience and knowledge needed to defend against even the most complex OSHA violations. If you are in need of legal representation for OSHA violations including serious, repeat, and willful violations or citations based on fatalities, please contact our office today.
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License Defense
Chapter 489 of the Florida Statutes states that any person involved in the business of contracting must be licensed, registered or certified to perform certain types of construction work including general contracting, roofing, plumbing, building, and sheet metal work. Under Florida law, the offense of “Contracting Without a License” can encompass a broad range of violations, including misallocation of funds, license renting, improper licensure, project abandonment, fraud, failure to inform the DBPR of a criminal past, failure to obtain a permit, and more.
Depending on the severity and prior convictions, violations of Chapter 489 can result in hefty fines, restricted service offerings, or a suspension and even revocation of the contractor’s license, all of which can have a significant impact on the daily operations of your business. If you find yourself facing allegations or complaints against your license, we strongly recommend seeking the legal advice of one of our experienced construction lawyers in Bradenton, FL.
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Litigation and Arbitration
It is almost inevitable that disputes will arise between contracting parties during the course of a construction project. Sometimes, these disputes can be reconciled with a little clarification and communication. While most would prefer the latter, this often is not the case. A large majority of disputes end up in costly and time-consuming litigation. When faced with the task of defending your stand point, or having to defend against allegations, it is important to have a trusted and knowledgeable Bradenton construction attorney at your aid.
Consequently, many construction contracts are drafted to include certain provisions which require disputes to be resolved through alternative dispute resolution methods, such as arbitration. Arbitration allows disputing parties to reconcile their differences without the cost and time needed to withstand litigation. If you are involved in a construction dispute, it is strongly recommended to seek the guidance and expertise of a Bradenton construction lawyer who is experienced with both litigation and arbitration.
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Construction Lien Claims
One of the most important aspects of construction law is construction lien law. Construction lien law is a component of construction law that impacts, in one form or another, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers, design professionals, and the like. Florida’s construction lien law provides protection to construction professionals for unpaid services or materials supplied that are utilized for the improvement of real property. Due to the complexity and time-sensitive nature of construction lien laws, we highly recommend retaining the services of an experienced Bradenton construction attorney to handle your lien claims matters.
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Bid Protests
Many construction professionals bid on county, municipal, state, and federal projects, and being awarded the contract is always their main objective. When a bidder believes their bid to have been wrongly rejected, the bidder has the right to challenge the agency’s action. At Cotney Attorneys & Consultants, our Bradenton construction law attorneys are equipped and experienced with assisting protesting bidders in challenging an award, as well as defending the winning bidder against protests against their awarded contract. The bid process can be a difficult procedure to navigate. As such, we always recommend consulting with a construction lawyer who is familiar with performing bid protest through both the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and local ordinances.
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To speak with an experienced Bradenton construction lawyer, please contact our office.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.