Construction Law
Could Offsite Construction Reduce Liabilities? Part 1
Currently, the construction industry is seeing an increase in the implementation of offsite construction which includes prefabricated and modular structural components. With offsite construction, components of a structure are built in a different location and then assembled at the job site once complete.
The offsite building method is a solution to the construction liabilities that are commonly experienced on traditional construction sites. Our Birmingham contractor attorneys will discuss ways in which offsite construction can decrease job site liabilities. To view the rest of the article, read part two.
Safer Construction
Offsite construction will increase job site safety because work is completed in a controlled and well-supervised environment. Falling from heights is an ongoing hazard in the construction industry, but with offsite building, this is greatly reduced. Offsite construction also reduces worker exposure to large vehicles and tight work spaces which decreases a worker’s likelihood of being struck by or caught between objects.
Increased Productivity
Job productivity can be impacted by factors such as inclement weather, worker shortage, inadequate communication, poor organization, insufficient risk management, and costly delays. Although some facets of the project will take place at the construction site, most will occur in a climate-controlled facility offsite. This will increase productivity because work is occurring simultaneously both on and offsite. Additionally, in a factory, components are mass produced and workers specialize which makes them more proficient at their task. This will decrease waste and ensures the finished product will be identical, thereby increasing productivity.
Quicker Project Completion
Most construction projects are either over budget, behind schedule, or both. Offsite construction can occur simultaneously with the site and foundation work, which cuts project completion time in half compared to traditional construction. This creates faster revenue and quicker building occupancy.
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