OSHA Defense

Effective Ways to Communicate Health and Safety Requirements Part 2
Our Florida OSHA defense attorneys understand the importance of educating employees on general health and safety requirements, as well as those regarding workers’ specific industries. Effectively communicating these requirements can result in greater employee satisfaction and fewer accidents on the jobsite.
In part one of this series, we talked about new worker orientation and safety meetings. This article will focus on using facility signs and implementing an employee suggestion program. Safety can also be communicated by other means including electronic communication and employee reviews, which we will discuss in part three.
Facility Signs and Labels
Another way to keep employees informed of important safety information is by using special signs and labels throughout your facility that are easy to see from a safe distance. Signage and tag guidelines can be found in OSHA standard 1910.145. These guidelines identify hazards, design requirements, and when safety signs are to be used. Based on the severity of hazards at a workplace, there should be danger signs, warning signs, and caution signs which are to be posted throughout the facility.
Other signs and labels such as notices, general safety signs, admittance, fire safety, and non-hazard signs should be posted as necessary to ensure that workers are not exposed to hazards or potentially hazardous conditions, injuries, or illnesses. These serve as reminders in case someone forgets a rule or may not be aware of a particular hazard inherent in the job.
Employee Suggestion Program
Workers are exposed to various workplace hazards on their jobs every day. Since they are the most knowledgeable about their jobs, it makes sense to gather information from them to help make the workplace safer. Soliciting and reviewing safety suggestions from employees can help companies drive employee engagement, motivate them, and create a more satisfying work environment. An employee suggestion program:
- Addresses safety concerns encountered daily
- Empowers employees to participate in decision making
- Generates cost-saving ideas
- Encourages teamwork
- Promotes loyalty
Consult with employees regarding health and safety matters because they know better than anyone else the things that would drive production or would make them feel more comfortable doing their job. Companies will absolutely reap the benefits of investing their time in safety communication.
If you would like to speak with one of our Florida OSHA defense lawyers, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.