OSHA Defense

Enforcing PPE Use on Construction Sites Part 2
Wearing PPE has prevented countless injuries on construction sites across the country. However, work still needs to be done because over time, workers have the tendency to become a little complacent where safety procedures are concerned.
As OSHA defense lawyers, we have seen good employers plagued by OSHA citations due to noncompliance with safety standards. This is why wearing the proper safety equipment should be non-negotiable at your construction site. If PPE policies are not enforced, your site will experience an increase in workplace accidents. There are ways to mitigate accident risks: continuous training and enforcing your written policies. If you have not already, read part one of our article and part three, which will conclude the series.
Continue Training
Construction safety regulations may change periodically, therefore, training should be continuous to keep it top of mind. Establish the need for PPE and train them on how to use it properly. When they know how to use it properly, they can avoid repetitive strain injuries as well as recognize early symptoms. This includes knowing when and what kind of equipment is necessary, the limitations of the equipment, and how to properly maintain the equipment.
Enforce the Policies
Wearing PPE should be mandatory. No exceptions. One of the ways to increase compliance is to have formally written safety policies. Workers need to understand that safety regulations are not just specific to your workplace, rather, they are OSHA developed and are for their benefit ultimately. They should not be allowed to start work unless they are wearing the proper PPE. Communicate the repercussions of noncompliance which includes increased injuries, downtown, and potential fines against the company.
If you would like to speak with an OSHA lawyer, please contact us at 813.579.3278, or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.