Cotney Newsletter

FRSA Intervenes in FBC Petition
On March 17, 2021, FRSA submitted a motion to intervene in a petition before the Florida Building Commission regarding the Florida Building Code’s threshold limit for the percentage of a roof area which may be repaired before replacement of a complete roofing surface is required.
The subject Petition for Declaratory Statement seeks the Commission’s position as to whether the replacement of non-damaged areas of a roof should be computed within the 25% threshold limit set forth in 706.1.1, Florida Building Code. FRSA joins the petitioner, SDii Global Corporation, in its position that repair of non-damaged areas of a roof should not be computed within the 25% threshold limit.
FRSA’s motion supports the petitioner’s interpretation of the Building Code, noting that it is a reasonable and logical interpretation of the Code. FRSA points out that a contrary interpretation of the Code would result in immense economic waist, unnecessarily burden property owners, and restrict roofing contractors’ discretion to salvage otherwise viable roofing systems.
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