Construction Law

Guarding Against Delays During the Pre-Construction Phase Part 1
Delays are inevitable in every phase of a project. Oftentimes, however, key opportunities to build a solid foundation are overlooked in the initial stage. The preconstruction phase is an opportunity to perform preliminary planning which helps to define the project, analyze cost impacts, and identify potential issues. When these things are not planned strategically, it creates a ripple effect that impacts project timelines. Our Tallahassee construction lawyers will share some causes of delay that can be attributed to the project’s pre-construction phase, areas you should focus on during the preconstruction stage, and strategies for reducing delays in this section and part two.
Cause 1: Scope Changes
The scope of work is an important part of the contract; consulting with a Tallahassee construction lawyer is advisable. A well-defined project scope is critical at the outset of the project. However, scope change happens on many projects due to new discoveries, external circumstances, and internal changes. If you do not plan and handle issues such as scope creep well, it can have a disastrous effect on your project. The best way to handle scope changes is to clearly identify the scope of work to your client and communicate in writing any extra requests including associated costs.
Cause 2: Restrictive Regulations
Projects must meet city codes and other important building regulations to maintain clearance. Overlooking these codes or taking shortcuts will jeopardize the project’s timeline from the start. Projects managers must stay on top of changing regulations to ensure projects remain up to code from the initial phase and through project completion.
Cause 3: Financing Issues
Construction will be stalled without a sound budget from the start. Having a financial plan in place before a project commences will decrease budgeting issues down the line. To avoid financial problems and delays, create a clear plan detailing expenses, projected costs, and a consistent plan for payments so the owner will have clear expectations.
If you would like to speak with a Tallahassee construction lawyer, please contact us at 850.213.1295, or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.