Construction Law

How a Jacksonville Construction Attorney Can Help You Grow Your Construction Business
The growth of your construction business is largely a function of the number of projects you take on and the amount of profit you derive from each of these projects. After you factor in operational costs (which you control), it should be relatively easy to turn a profit, right? While it would be nice if it was this simple, it’s not, and contractors can’t afford to turn a blind eye to the true cost of doing business. This includes potential citations from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), disputes with owners, and defective work claims.
If you don’t want to be responsible for ensuring that your business is protected against the myriad of threats to your financial prosperity and legal compliance, a Jacksonville construction attorney can step in to provide you with the services you need to continue working without any roadblocks.
Superior Contracts
Bad contracts lead to bad experiences. You can’t afford to sign a contract that either doesn’t protect your business or includes clauses that strip you of your right to pursue legal action. The cost of having your contracts reviewed is a small price to pay for ensuring that you’re protected against a broad range of potential disputes. As long as you hold up your side of the deal, you shouldn’t have any issues when a Jacksonville construction attorney reviews your contracts. If it turns out that you’ve been presented with a high-risk contract, our attorneys can also help you negotiate the terms of the contract or draft a new contract free of hazardous provisions and clauses. You’ll soon find that you’re dealing with less disputes and fewer unexpected costs, causing your construction business to grow.
Faster Dispute Resolution
When a dispute arises, it’s time for both parties to trade in their hammers for gavels; unless, of course, you work with one of our Jacksonville construction attorneys. Sometimes, litigation is the only way to resolve a dispute. It’s time-consuming and somewhat expensive, but it’s a surefire way to get back to work. That said, when you partner with a Jacksonville construction attorney prior to the signing of your contract, you can have them include an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) clause that permits disputes to be settled through mediation or arbitration, two private, cost-effective solutions that have the added benefit of resolving disputes faster than litigation processes.
When you don’t have to worry about the disputes other contractors are commonly faced with, and those that do arise are handled in a timely manner, it’s much easier to control your costs and grow your construction business. As a contractor, you should be focused on completing projects and satisfying contracts, not dealing with every legal inconvenience that arises. Let us help.
If you would like to speak with one of our Jacksonville construction attorneys, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.