OSHA Defense

How Can a Construction Safety Officer Help Your Job Site? Part 2
In most job environments, there’s an assumption of safety—that when you enter the workplace there’s a minimal chance that an injury will occur. Most people take it for granted. In the construction industry, safety is an idea you must actively pursue. With a number of physical hazards present, procedures must be put in place to keep the workplace safe and injury-free. This is the job of the safety officer.
In the first part of our series on construction safety officers, we introduced the role itself and responsibilities on a construction site. To recap, construction safety officers create, implement, and enforce safety procedures. They also take measures to prevent construction companies from receiving an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) citation- an occurrence that can be handled with the help of an OSHA attorney.
Specific responsibilities of a safety officer includes:
Keeping Records
The safety officer is in charge of keeping records involving federal compliance and injury reporting. Specifically, safety officers complete OSHA’s form 300, which list injuries on a construction site that led to either lost time, job transfers, and limited work duties.
Promoting Safety on the Construction Site
The safety officer continually promotes on-site safety by conducting training classes and emergency drills, posting safety literature where it can be clearly viewed, and responding to employee safety concerns. They are also responsible for placing the “Job Safety and Health: It’s the Law” poster in a place where it is visible.
Serving as a Liaison to OSHA and Other Government Agencies
One of the most important responsibilities of a safety officer is to represent their company when dealing with OSHA and other government agencies. They answer inquiries during OSHA inspections and complete all necessary paperwork to ensure compliance. They work to ensure that OSHA citations never take place. However, if you do get one, contact an OSHA defense attorney immediately.
To request a consultation with one of our OSHA defense attorneys, please call us today at 813.579.3278 or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.