Construction Law

How COVID-19 is Changing the Technology Landscape of the Construction Industry featured image

How COVID-19 is Changing the Technology Landscape of the Construction Industry

As the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) spreads across the United States, construction firms are scrambling to find new ways to maintain jobsite productivity while protecting their workers from the virus. Particularly with social distancing requirements, many contractors are left without their usual means of monitoring jobsite progress. What some firms are turning to, and what many other firms are likely to follow suit in incorporating, is relying on technology to address these new challenges. 

In this brief article, we’ll explain some of the key technology that construction firms across America have already implemented in pursuit of a safer worksite. For any assistance in ensuring your business is protected against a myriad of threats to the health of your workers and your financial prosperity during these uncertain times, consult one of our Orange County, FL, construction attorneys with Cotney Attorneys & Consultants. 

Related: Using Technology to Keep Workers Safe

Image Capturing

Many firms have found image capturing technology to be an excellent resource in terms of stitching photographs of a jobsite together for up-to-date virtual walkthroughs. This can include 360-degree photos as well as aerial drone capture. While these reality capture tools have existed for quite a while before the emergence of the pandemic, they are proving themselves invaluable and adaptable.

For example, a number of building inspectors are unable to visit the physical jobsite location but still need to get a clear preview of what the job looks like and how the project is progressing. Construction professionals are accomplishing this by documenting each stage of their projects with image capturing technology. Image capturing has a way to go in terms of exceeding industry standards, but contractors are willing to try anything that’s capable of leading to a more efficient and safer building process for their workers and owners during these times of uncertainty. 

Related: How Do Photographs Assist Your Worksite?

Facial Recognition

When the remote management of paper-based health screenings became too burdensome for one Wisconsin-based contractor, they found a solution in facial recognition technology. Construction workers for this company simply take a selfie that the system is able to use for facial recognition when they approach the office. Their face is scanned, recognized, and then the worker is tested for a potentially elevated temperature before the door to their project site unlocks. 

Privacy wise, this method still has some kinks to work out. Contractors must make sure that their workers are being protected without compromising their privacy in the process. This means details must be solidified regarding how long their data will be stored before it is deleted, especially regarding facial recognition information. The contractor behind this innovative concept expects this technology to remain useful even once COVID-19 is no longer a nationwide priority.

Related: How to Get Workers to Embrace Construction Technology

Health and Safety Project Enhancements

So far, we’ve discussed how construction professionals are utilizing technology to protect the workers on their jobsite, but what about the future occupants of the structures they’re building? More and more contractors are finding that they need to incorporate technology-based health and safety enhancements into the design of their projects. For example, many of the high-rise buildings with crowded lobbies, shared bathrooms, and public areas have become significantly less desirable.

Instead, contractors are installing technology-based enhancements, such as touch-free fob access and security systems and touch-free thermal scanning at security desks. Health-related issues are likely to dominate over other factors like aesthetic considerations or energy savings in the evaluation of building designs. All construction professionals should begin familiarizing themselves with how technology could soon transform their jobsite as they know it. For a team of legal professionals with over 100 years of combined experience working in construction by your side in protecting your business, contact our Orange County, FL, contractor lawyers

If you would like to speak with one of our Orange County, FL, contractor lawyers, please contact us today.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.