Construction Law

How to Win Bids on Government Contracts Part 2
In the first section of this six-part article, our Miami construction attorneys explained how you can register to become a government contractor and place bids on government projects. It’s one thing to be eligible to place a bid on a federal, state, or local project; it’s another thing to procure the project. When it comes to winning government contract bids, a Miami construction attorney can be greatly beneficial.
Government Contracts are Highly Regulated
It should be no surprise that tax-funded, government projects are highly supervised to ensure that there is no fraudulent behavior or criminal mischief involved in the project. The bid submission process is also a highly political endeavor. The process involves a lot of document wrangling, legal knowledge, relationship building, and experience placing bids in the past to ensure your bid qualifies for consideration. There are many reasons why you should hire a Miami construction attorney to assist you with this process.
The Bid Process is Extremely Technical
Placing a bid on a government contract is a highly technical procedure that involves extremely complex legal and technical paperwork. Whether you are placing a bid on a new contract or willing to do some additional work on a contract already in progress, it’s important that contractors abide by every instruction and follow every meticulous detail during the process. From submitting the required paperwork to ensuring the application was produced in the right font, every detail matters during the bid consideration process.
A Bad Bid Can Hurt Your Business
If the application is improperly submitted, the company’s bid is considered invalid. There is no revision process with government contract bids. You are either eligible for selection or not. A poorly submitted proposal can significantly damage a company’s long-term reputation as well. The business will not only fail to be considered for that bid proposal, but future bids may not be considered as well if the government agency deems that the business was not legitimate in their previous bid attempt.
Our Law Firm Specializes in Placing Bids
With steep competition on government contracts, it’s a good idea to work with a law firm that specializes in placing bids on government contracts. Our firm intimately understands the bid process and can ensure that you are properly registered and credentialed.
For more information on bidding on government contracts, please read sections three, four, five, and six.
If you would like to speak with a Miami construction attorney, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.