Construction Law

Immigration Mistakes Employers Should Avoid
Many companies are turning to non-U.S. citizens to fill out important roles within their companies. These men and women provide unique skill sets that are of tremendous value to businesses throughout the United States. Whether it’s construction or IT, immigrants are impacting business in this country in a positive way.
The challenge is getting them here. The immigration process is complicated for individuals and businesses. Attention to detail and patience is needed to achieve success. While you could go it alone, the assistance of a Tampa business immigration attorney can help you achieve your employment goals and avoid costly missteps.
Below are several common, yet detrimental mistakes that employers make when hiring immigrant workers.
Not Having Employees Fill Out a Form I-9
If made, this mistake can cost you dearly. In the rush to onboard an employee, you forget to present them with the Form I-9 (verification of employment eligibility). The best practice in this situation is to require the employee to bring all necessary documentation to complete the I-9 form on their first day in the office. Once they’ve completed their part of the form, you can complete your part on time.
Waiting Too Late to Start Visa Application Process
When companies seek work visas on behalf of incoming employees, they often underestimate the time required to complete the process. There’s a great deal of supporting documentation required from the employee, along with specific processes that the employer must fulfill. It’s important to start this process well before you need the employee to start work.
Not Enough Supporting Documentation
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) requires significant documentation from the employer and the employee in order to grant a work visa. For instance, employers must provide company and position information as well as salary information for the position being offered. Because the requirements may be extensive, you need to talk to an immigration lawyer to see which visa classification you may qualify for.
To request a consultation with a Tampa business immigration lawyer, please call us today at 813.579.3278 or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.