Construction Law

Improving Employee Engagement in Construction Part 1
How is the morale at your construction site? If your team’s performance is less than desirable, a lack of engagement could be the problem. A few disengaged employees can negatively influence other workers and contribute to an unsafe work environment for all. Our Tampa construction lawyers know how difficult it can be to maintain a safe and healthy work environment but an effective strategy for improving engagement is paramount to your success.
This two-part article will provide various ways to boost employee engagement. Be sure to read part two for the remainder of the article.
The Difference Between an Engaged and Disengaged Worker
Engaged employees are those that are fully invested in their work and the company as a whole. Engaged employees provide high-quality work, they are productive, attentive, and efficient. All of this leads to higher customer satisfaction, increased profits for the company, and less job site incidents. A disengaged employee is the opposite and a great threat to your company. They are not fully present, they take shortcuts, their performance declines, and they view management and safety professionals from an antagonistic point of view. This can easily increase your liabilities and the need for a Tampa construction lawyer.
Start at the Top
An empowered leadership team is a key to increasing workplace engagement. Leaders give their team direction. If the leader is disengaged, so goes the rest of the team. Anyone in a leadership role should be guiding the team toward growth in the areas of safety, conflict resolution, innovation, and company goals. When upper management models good habits many will follow suit.
Encourage Involvement in Healthy and Safety Management
Safety is an integral part of the construction industry. A safe and healthy culture requires an understanding of the factors that make a culture negative or positive. It is also contingent upon the involvement of all employees. Therefore, it must be the topic of ongoing discussion, there must be accountability at all levels, and the proper training must be provided. Encourage employees to be proactive by reviewing incidents and reporting near misses and conduct regular safety inspections to show that the company takes employee safety seriously.
If you would like to speak with a Tampa construction lawyer, please contact us at 813.579.3278, or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.