Infrastructure Law

Is Your Construction Company Working on These Transportation Projects? Part 6
In this six-part article, a Raleigh construction attorney is providing contractors and subcontractors with valuable information regarding government contract opportunities to work on transportation construction projects in the great state of North Carolina. If you would like to catch up on this series, please read the following sections:
- In part one, we provided an overview of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and their mission.
- In part two, we focused on the most common types of transportation construction projects: working on highways, roadways, and bridges.
- In part three, we gave more insight into the Division of Highways within NCDOT.
- In part four, we discussed how contractors can work on turnpike and aerospace construction projects.
- In part five, we covered opportunities to perform work on railways in North Carolina.
In this final section, we will conclude our series by discussing opportunities to perform work on port projects.
Port Projects
As a critical component to the American economy, construction and development projects are always needed for both new and renovated ports. With ports in Wilmington and Morehead City, along with inland terminals in Charlotte and Greensboro, North Carolina ports are currently undergoing a variety of exciting expansion plans that require ongoing construction projects.
Whether it’s performing regular maintenance, expanding the facilities, or making other improvements to port infrastructure, enhanced ports and terminals result in billions of dollars in revenue and thousands of jobs created annually. Another major facet to port construction is dredging projects that deepen shipping channels, improve transport methods, and utilize materials that have the potential for future use in land reclamation projects.
The Port of Wilmington’s Expansion
As ports nationwide are shifting their focus to high-tech ways they can utilize “the development of unused adjacent land,” companies that specialize in seaport development construction have the opportunity to work on a myriad of redevelopment projects for ports. For example, the Port of Wilmington is currently “expanding to accommodate multiple ultra-Panamax container ships simultaneously and to increase the speed and efficiently of loading and unloading vessels.” With significant improvements and expansion efforts on the horizon, port construction is a thriving niche in the construction community that will see many exciting projects on the horizon.
Consult a Construction Attorney For All Your Projects
Government transportation construction projects can provide a vast wealth of opportunities to bolster your construction business. If you are interested in bidding, performing work, or making a verified claim on NCDOT projects, you should consult a Raleigh construction lawyer. At Cotney Construction Law, we can assist you with everything from placing effective bids on government projects (or bid protests or bid defense) to developing an ironclad contract for your projects to ensuring you remain in compliance with a variety of comprehensive laws related to your projects. For any of your construction legal needs, including lien and bond law, a Raleigh construction bond attorney can assist you.
If you would like to speak with a Raleigh construction lawyer, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.