OSHA Defense

Ladder Safety Advice for Roofers

Ladders are one of the most commonly used pieces of equipment in the construction industry, but people often forget the dangers involved when using them. Ladder falls are the leading cause of injuries in construction and gross oversight can lead to death. As OSHA defense attorneys, we want to give you some tips to help you minimize ladder-related accidents on your work site.

OSHA Subpart X 1926.1053

OSHA provides in-depth guidelines for ladder use in Subpart X (1926.53). This section is the rulebook for using ladders in the construction industry and covers topics including ladder load support, proper storage, rung, cleats, and steps spacing, and the proper use of ladders. Additionally, ladders must be periodically inspected by designated persons. It is extremely important that workers receive ladder safety training to learn about the aforementioned topics. Not abiding by OSHA safety standards will result in a citation. If you have received a citation as a result of a ladder accident, an OSHA defense attorney will be a valuable asset for your defense.

Why Ladder Accidents Occur

Ladder accidents occur for many reasons, including

  • Wearing the wrong footwear
  • Using damaged ladders
  • A lack of training and attention
  • Failing to stabilize the ladder

Avoiding Ladder Hazards

Avoid ladder-related incidents by preventing them. Inspect the ladder before climbing by reading the ladder safety manual and comply with OSHA safety standards. Inspect surface areas, especially for chords and electrocution hazards, and then position ladders properly before climbing. If a ladder is damaged attach a warning sign to it. Ascend and descend ladders properly by always facing the ladder and while using at least one hand. Avoid carrying unnecessary items up and down the ladder and be sure the bottom of shoes are slip resistant. Don’t leave ladders unattended at the end of your work day and store them in a secure area.

To request a consultation with a reputable OSHA attorney, please call us today.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.