OSHA Defense

Miami OSHA Defense Attorney
Receiving an OSHA citation is disheartening for any employer. Nonetheless, as experienced Miami OSHA defense attorneys, we want employers to understand that receiving a citation is not a finality, instead, it is the beginning of a process that can be rectified with the right legal guidance.
Is Your Workplace Guilty of the Most Cited Violations?
The first line of defense for employers to avoid a violation is to familiarize themselves with OSHA’s most cited standards during worksite inspections. Using this resource, employers can perform their own internal audits to ensure their workplace meets vital health and safety codes.
- Classify and communicate hazardous chemicals
- Provide adequate fall protection
- Meet scaffolding requirements
- Supply appropriate respiratory protection
- Control hazardous energy (lockout/tagout)
- Enforce proper ladder use
- Address and prevent machine guarding hazards
- Enforce proper electrical, wiring methods
- Meet safety requirements for powered industrial trucks
Are You Prepared For an OSHA Inspection?
An OSHA inspection can be unexpected or it can be scheduled, but either way, you need to be prepared. The most hazardous workplaces are the most likely to be inspected. Is your work environment among the following?
- Poses imminent danger to employees
- Has increased reporting of severe injuries and illnesses
- Has active worker complaints
- Received an inspection referral from an agency, individual or organization
- Is targeted for an inspection (highly hazardous workplaces)
- Had a previous inspection that needs to be followed up on
If so, you are at an increased risk of an OSHA inspection.
Experienced Miami OSHA Defense Attorneys
OSHA defense attorneys understand how critical a safe work environment is for everyone. We also know that many construction businesses are not aware of safety violations and may not be able to control every aspect due to human error and negligence. No matter the cause, employers are held liable for noncompliance. Let our OSHA attorneys help you mitigate safety risks and represent your best interest during the citation and inspection process.
If you are in need of a professional construction law firm, please submit our contact request form for more information.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.