Construction Law

Mitigating Project Delays Before They Get Out of Control Part 1
Project delays are a constant threat to the construction industry. At any moment, the inevitable could happen, causing a trickle-down effect. Sometimes it is the contractor’s fault. Sometimes it is the subcontractor’s fault. At other times, it could be the client’s fault.
No matter the reason, delays can damage a contractor’s reputation and result in additional costs for the contractor. Our Florida construction lawyers are well aware of the internal and external factors that could cause delays and derail a project if not handled properly. This article and part two will discuss ways to prevent them from happening.
The Planning Stages
Construction planning can be a challenge. Although projects can be delayed for numerous reasons, advanced planning before a project begins is one of the best defenses against delays. Planning does not end once the project starts, however. Each phase of a project requires extensive coordination. Poorly planned projects can potentially be lacking in several areas:
- Shortage of manpower
- Scheduling
- Choice of technology
- Inadequate estimations
- Resource allocation
- Poor processes
Stress the Repercussions
Owner requests and activities can delay a project in multiple ways. Owners may change the project design or specifications, or they may be slow to approve time-sensitive documents. Transparent communication with the client is the key to ensuring that any requested changes will go smoothly. If the owner’s activities impact the project’s timeline, contractors need to be forthright with communicating the need for additional time and making sure that this is agreed upon by both parties.
Draw the Line
As mentioned before, communication is vital for stronger business relationships between parties. Owners will make requests for changes during a project’s operation—this is a given; however, at some point, contractors have to draw the line where no more intentional changes can be made. This is especially important during the late stages of the project.
Has your project been delayed? A Florida construction lawyer at Construction Construction Law can help you understand the delay claims you are entitled to.
If you would like to speak with a Florida construction lawyer, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.