Construction Law

NCDOT Contracts Attorney in Greensboro
Many contractors aren’t aware that there are obtainable contracts with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). If you are interested in performing construction or maintenance on transportation facilities, you should consult with a legal expert that can help you procure these profitable opportunities. From registration to liability protection, an NCDOT defense lawyer in Greensboro has you covered.
An Experienced NCDOT Defense Lawyer in Greensboro
If you want to work on NCDOT projects, you must be registered and prequalified to be considered. NCDOT commonly seeks general contractors and subcontractors to help complete transportation-related projects. If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities, we encourage you to visit NCDOT’s website.
Procuring NCDOT Projects
As a construction law firm with extensive experience assisting our clients with government projects, we recommend you consider the following tips:
- Effective Bids: Every bid begins with the bid package. This highly technical portfolio must be well-organized and should be assembled by an NCDOT contracts attorney in Greensboro. From listing the price points to featuring relevant examples of your work, it’s important to showcase that you’re a qualified applicant. Even the type of font can affect whether or not your bid is accepted.
- Selective Applications: You need to be realistic about the projects you target and never bid on work that you may not be able to deliver. Inadequate work can lead to a lot of problems including litigation.
- Find Benchmark Companies: Research the type of government projects you hope to work on one day and find out what companies are contracting these jobs. Study their business model and try your hardest to replicate their best practices.
- Subcontracting: Many successful primary contractors are former subcontractors that provided excellent work on government projects, established a good reputation with a few reliable agencies, and worked their way up the ladder to great opportunities.
How Can a Construction Law Firm Help You?
Not all projects go as planned and government projects are well known for being restrictive to contractors. For example, did you know the following things about NCDOT projects?:
- NCDOT can refuse payment for additional work if the claim process wasn’t followed
- After a project, if you haven’t been fully compensated, the window to file a verified claim requesting payment is only 60 days
- Payment and performance bonds are required for NCDOT projects
For government projects, Cotney Attorneys & Consultants can keep you up-to-speed on the latest changes in legislation and help manage any legal requirements needed for your business. If you need to take action against a government agency, you require the services of a nationally recognized construction law firm.
If you are in need of a professional construction law firm, please submit our contact request form for more information,
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.