Construction Law

Post-Florence Contracting Opportunities in North Carolina Part 1
In the wake of Hurricane Florence, many areas of North Carolina need disaster relief assistance. In this brief article, an Asheville construction attorney will discuss ways that contractors can get involved in hurricane relief projects that eliminate threats to public health and safety and improve communities in the Tar Heel State. In this section, we will discuss debris removal. Remember, for all of your construction project needs, an Asheville contractor attorney is here to provide you with accurate legal counsel.
Debris Removal
With devastating winds that exceeded 100 miles per hour, it’s no surprise that the aftermath of Florence will require a significant amount of debris removal. Whether it’s trees, overturned vehicles, building components, natural elements like sand or gravel, or any other form of wreckage, debris endangers lives and substantially damages property if not properly attended to. For extensive damage, the responsibility of debris management shifts from the local and state level to the federal level. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) tasks the United States Army Corps of Engineers with the undertaking of debris removal in impacted areas.
Debris Management Missions
According to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website, the Corps deploys debris management missions in several capacities; however, there are a few primary ways they assist with debris removal including:
- Direct Federal Assistance Missions: For extensive debris removal, this is performed by the Corps itself. Whether it’s emergency clearance, safe passage on streets or highways, private property damage, or bridges or waterways, the Corps can provide clearance of any substantial debris build-up.
- Technical Assistance Missions: The Corps can provide guidance to local government agencies on contracting regional and out-of-state professionals to assist with debris management assignments. From overseeing debris removal projects for FEMA to providing training, the Corps can ensure that local governments are following protocol and help with any environmental issues.
Federal Registry
Contracting firms that are interested in working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or on other FEMA assigned projects can register their business through FEMA’s System for Award Management (SAM) website. This online resource allows contractors the opportunity to become prospective vendors when they apply in the Disaster Response Registry section of the website.
Taking Action After a Natural Disaster
When a region is significantly impacted by a natural disaster, there are several apparent health and safety risks. However, the residents of the area also experience shock, stress, and uncertainty. Reconstruction is how government agencies take action by initiating the rebuilding process of a city and restoring hope in the process. For information on the rebuilding process in North Carolina, please read the second section.
If you would like to speak with an Asheville contractor lawyer, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.