OSHA Defense

Recent OSHA Citations Prove Costly
“Every accident is a notice that something is wrong with men, methods, or material — investigate — then act.” The old safety saying from the early 1900s still rings true today. Failure to maintain compliance with safety regulations can not only lead to potential worker-related injuries or even death, it can also lead to steep financial penalties for employers that violate compliance demands as well.
If you are an employer and a safety inspection results in costly citations, you may be in need of an OSHA attorney. With thousands of inspections annually and millions of dollars in penalties, our OSHA defense attorneys are here to offer you on any legal advice you may need.
OSHA Performs Thousands of Inspections Every Year
In 2016, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) compliance safety and health officers performed approximately 85,000 federal and State Plan inspections. Approximately 32,000 of these inspections were federal and approximately 43,000 were conducted by State Plan. Many of these inspections resulted in citations that were financially crippling to the employer.
Steep Financial Penalties
To give you an idea of just how costly OSHA safety violations can be, in the State of Florida from the beginning of August 2017 through October 2017, a time period of approximately 90 days, OSHA issued initial penalties to offending employers in excess of over $2,350,000 dollars. With penalties that significant, it is important that employers maintain compliance standards on the worksite. If you are curious to see specific enforcement cases for your state, feel free to review specific case listings on OSHA’s website.
If you are an employer and your worksite recently failed to meet compliance standards set by OSHA and you received a citation fee then please speak with one our OSHA defense attorneys.
If you would like to speak with an OSHA defense attorney please contact us at 813.579.3278, or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.