OSHA Defense

Safety Precautions That Reduce Roofing Falls in Construction
Can you imagine working in the roofing industry for years only to one day have your livelihood shattered with a life-altering fall? Every day that a roofer goes to work is a day the roofer is at risk for a fall that could cause a severe injury or death. Most fatal falls occur while roofers are working on roofs, scaffolds, and ladders. This does not have to happen to you. We’ll share simple precautions based on OSHA fall protection requirements that you can use to protect yourself from falls.
Implement OSHA’s Fall Prevention Campaign
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has provided three steps to ensure falls are prevented on jobsites. Employers are encouraged to plan ahead, use the right equipment, and to train their employees on the proper use of the equipment.
Always Plan Ahead
Roofing work is dangerous and cannot be done without planning ahead. This is important, even on a daily basis. Employers should be matching the equipment, tools, and materials needed to complete the tasks at hand. Planning ahead will ensure that the job is completed safely and efficiently.
Use the Right Equipment
According to OSHA fall protection standard 1926.502, employers must provide employees with fall protection, especially if workers are working at heights of six feet or more. Employers must ensure workers have the equipment they need for the jobs they are performing. There are many types to choose from but choosing the wrong equipment is useless and can even contribute to an injury or fatality.
Provide Equipment Training
Workers need to not only know how to use equipment, but they need to know the limitations of the equipment as well as how to care for the equipment.
Other Valuable Tips
Roofing employers have a huge responsibility to keep workers safe during roofing work. However, roofing workers have responsibilities too. The following are tips to help workers stay safe.
- Always inspect safety equipment and work area
- Stay connected to your safety harness
- Wear a harness that fits
- Use guardrails and lifelines where appropriate
- Cover up holes and other openings
- Use the right ladder for the task and keep three points of contact when climbing
When you foster an environment of safety based on OSHA fall protection regulations, you reduce unnecessary hazards thereby reducing the number of injuries and fatalities on your jobsite.
To speak with a roofing lawyer about OSHA fall protection regulations, please call us today at (866) 303-5868 or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.