Roofing Law

Should You Hire General Counsel for Your Roofing Business?
As long as you are working on top of a roof, you are at risk for all types of hazards, including severe injury and death. You are also at risk for lawsuits arising from issues such as defect claims and contract breaches. With these factors in mind, we think it’s beneficial for roofing contractors to have a general counsel.
What is General Counsel?
A general counsel is an attorney that is either an on-staff employee of your company or an outside attorney that you contract with on an as-needed basis. The general counsel will become familiar with the ends and outs of your company and operations. Hiring a roofing lawyer as your general counsel will ensure you have an advocate that possesses not only experience but an in-depth understanding of the roofing industry. Their role is to ensure you are operating legally at all times and to provide you sound legal advice in all types of roofing-related matters.
The Benefits of Having General Counsel
Hiring a general counsel can be advantageous to roofers. Outside general counsel, in particular, can be an affordable middle ground for roofers that do not want or cannot afford the expensive overhead cost of having a full-time attorney on staff. Another benefit of general counsel is the easy access you will have to legal advice when you need it. Instead of relying on generic information, you’ll have an experienced roofing attorney readily available to answer your legal questions as they arise. Resolving disputes with the help of a general counsel will be more streamlined. If you have to file a lawsuit or refute one, your general counsel can ensure the process goes much smoother and faster.
Connect With a Roofing Lawyer
The benefits of retaining a general counsel for your business are numerous. A roofing lawyer from our firm is an invaluable resource and is available to serve as general counsel to roofing businesses of all sizes. We have flexible and affordable plans to suit your budget. Our legal experts are available to give you specialized counsel when you need it the most.
To request a consultation with an experienced roofing attorney, please call us today at (866) 303-5868 or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.