Construction Law

Social Media Liability and the Construction Industry Part 1
As technologies continue to evolve, construction businesses are going through the process of adapting to these changes. Although updating your building practices with state-of-the-art equipment and utilizing software management systems are a few effective means of enhancing your projects with groundbreaking technology, there are many other ways to incorporate the newest and best innovations into your business.
In this four-part series, we will discuss social media platforms and the construction industry. From promoting your business to attracting prospective workers to keeping your followers informed of the latest news and trends, the time has come for construction companies to embrace social media applications.
As our Orlando construction lawyers will discuss throughout this series, this revolutionary technology comes with great legal responsibilities. It’s critical that construction businesses adjust their company policies and set constraints to what’s being posted to ensure their business is protected. However, before we focus on the liability aspects, let’s discuss the process of giving your business an “online presence.”
Marketing Your Business
We have all observed (or at least read news stories about) successful marketing campaigns. Whether it’s a campaign that went “viral” like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge or a company’s stock skyrocketing because of the right online marketing strategy like Uber or Airbnb, social media can be effectively utilized to both entice new customers or interact with your avid followers. Having an online presence isn’t just for teenagers anymore. For construction companies, regularly keeping your social media business pages updated can result in quality leads that grow your business and offer you the chance to work on more projects.
Can You Be Contacted Easily?
Marketing your business begins with ensuring that all of your online contact information is up-to-date. Everything from the phone number to the business address and the types of projects your company specializes in should be easy to find online and consistent on all forums. You can’t procure lucrative projects without an easy way to be reached.
How Should You Market Your Business?
If you want to have a successful social media marketing campaign, you must know your audience. Once you target your exact market, you can decide what platform is best to reach them, what type of content they will find engaging, and, for those fully invested, conduct market research and web analytics to collect data. With the right approach, your construction business can showcase what you do best to a global audience.
For more information on social media in the construction industry, please read sections two, three, and four.
If you would like to speak with an Orlando construction lawyer, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.