Construction Law

Social Media Liability and the Construction Industry Part 2
Although the average age of construction professionals has significantly increased over the last twenty years, social media applications are becoming increasingly popular for construction businesses. As companies see the positive results that effective social media strategies deliver, they will continue to utilize the technology more and more. Of course, as Orlando construction attorneys, we know that this can lead to overlooking some of the liability issues concerning this technology.
In the first section and this section, we are focusing on ways construction professionals can grow their business by utilizing one of the most effective tools for the construction industry: social media. In the third and fourth sections, we will offer you some tips on protecting your company from legal issues while utilizing these applications. Remember, if you need construction-related legal advice, please speak with an Orlando construction attorney today.
Tips for Your Construction Business
There are many useful tips construction businesses can utilize to create a successful social media page for their business. Whether it’s linking your social media page to your website, posting relevant content, or networking and regularly responding to your followers, you should embrace this technology and utilize it to your benefit.
Excellent Imagery
Construction success is based largely off of results. One of the best ways to showcase this is through imagery. Before and after photos are a great way to feature many of your most successful projects to prospective clients and to show people what type of projects your company regularly works on. Just be sure that you have consent from the owner before you feature their project and, if the picture is not your own, ask for permission to feature it.
Separating Yourself
Are there certain industry trends or new construction practices that you are incorporating into your business? Does your company offer a unique service in your area that the competition doesn’t? It’s important to separate yourself from the pack with your social media content. Showing your audience that you are trendsetter willing to take on projects a little differently appeals to prospective clients and applicants.
Showcase Your Company’s Culture
Along with creating engaging content related to your brand and the construction industry, it’s important to show your followers that your company is a fun place to work with a positive work culture. Promote special events your team enjoys together, feature charitable events you are passionate about, and don’t forget to have a little fun with your posts from time to time. Remember, this can be your most compelling recruitment tool if it’s properly utilized.
If you would like to speak with an Orlando construction attorney, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.