Construction Law

SOS Devices on the Project Site Part 1
Accidents happen all the time on the project site. Contractors are no stranger to work-related injuries and the occasional crisis, but that doesn’t mean construction firms should halt their pursuit of an increasingly safe workplace. Although our accident-prone industry has made significant strides over the last century to help workers stay safe, there’s still work to be done if we want to fight back against construction-related injuries.
For example, the latest data from 2017 reports that 1 out of every 5 workplace deaths took place in the construction industry. This doesn’t bode well for an industry that is already suffering from a severe shortage of workers. What can be done to counteract this trend? And what strategies and technologies can be employed to fight back? In this two-part article, the Memphis construction attorneys at Cotney Attorneys & Consultants will discuss one resource that is making waves among safety-conscious contractors: SOS devices.
“I’m Injured and I Can’t Get Up”
As a contractor, it’s imperative that you maintain a close vigil over your workers in the field. This is one of the most pressing challenges facing contractors today, but it’s one you must overcome nonetheless. if you want to ensure that your workers are safe and your projects are unimpeded, you need a reliable way of identifying workplace incidents as they transpire so that you can address the problem before it gets out of hand. This is the sole purpose of an SOS device. Workers who carry such a device can notify others of an emergency and even highlight which parties are in trouble. For instance, when a roofer sends out an SOS, other parties can ascertain that the emergency is taking place at a high elevation and that the safety of roofers in particular is at risk.
New Technology Could Render Old SOS Devices Obsolete
It’s impossible to overstate the usefulness of SOS devices; however, it’s vital that contractors scale this technology in accordance with the latest wireless technology. We’re on the verge of a nationwide shift into 5G technology. This means existing devices that operate on 2G and 3G technologies will soon become obsolete. While the data being transferred during an SOS alert is light, new cell towers optimized for 4G and 5G are unlikely to support these signals, which means contractors will have to invest in new, compatible SOS devices that won’t experience drops in coverage. As our mobile infrastructure continues to grow, it will be important to vet the efficacy of these devices to ensure that they can be used for their intended purpose.
To learn more about SOS devices on the project site, read part two.
If you would like to speak with a Memphis construction attorney, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.