OSHA Defense

Texas OSHA Defense Attorney
Through the enforcement of policies and the creation of educational initiatives, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) promotes safe workplaces across all industries, even historically dangerous ones, such as construction. While many companies strive to adhere to their rules, maintaining compliance can be a challenging task. Regulations are detailed and change often. It takes a Texas OSHA defense attorney to guide you through OSHA processes, like inspections and ensure that your interests are protected.
How Texas OSHA Defense Attorneys Can Be Helpful
The Texas OSHA defense attorneys at Cotney Attorneys & Consultants are your first line of defense for all OSHA matters. Our experts have a deep understanding of OSHA policy and can guide your through a variety of circumstances. We can perform an OSHA compliance audit at your worksite to ensure that your operations meet all OSHA guidelines. Should an OSHA inspector visit your facility and find an item out of compliance, we can assess your situation and help you devise an action plan. This may include filing a notice of intent to contest, representing you during an informal meeting, or negotiating a settlement on your behalf.
The Inspection Process
One area in which you will find a Texas OSHA defense attorney most helpful is in preparation for an OSHA inspection. While you may not know when OSHA will perform an inspection, you can receive guidance from our team of OSHA experts to put you in the best possible position.
Here’s a breakdown of the OSHA inspection process:
- Arrival: An OSHA inspector will arrive at your facility, explain who they are, and discuss the nature of their visit. At this time, you may request that your designated safety officer and a Texas OSHA defense attorney accompany them on the site visit.
- Opening Conference: The OSHA inspector will go over what they will be looking for during the walkthrough and request injury logs.
- Walkthrough: The OSHA safety inspector will tour part of or your entire facility, depending on their agenda. During this time period, it’s helpful to take notes and photos of what the inspector is reviewing. The inspector may also ask to speak to employees. A Texas OSHA defense attorney can ensure that the employees understand their rights in this case.
- Closing Conference: The OSHA inspector will review their findings at this time. If there are any potential citations, they will go over them along with possible penalties or corrective actions.
If you would like to speak with one of our experienced Texas OSHA defense attorneys, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.