Roofing Law

The 2 Most Important Aspects of Any Roofing Project
When it comes to roofing projects, an ardent dedication to quality builds is necessary for success. High-quality craftsmanship and attention to detail is what defines a trustworthy roofing contractor’s reputation which ultimately leads to their success. Ensuring that your product is one you stand by — one that outperforms your competitors — is one of the most important aspects of any roofing business. But all of your hard work will be for naught if you fail to consider the importance of your roofing contract and your roofing insurance.
Without a solid roofing contract and comprehensive roofing insurance, a roofing contractor will never be able to put their skills on display and grow their business. For this reason, it is imperative that all roofing contractors have an experienced legal ally on their side to assist with these matters. As we’ve stated previously, the contract is the lifeblood of any construction project, and without it, your commitment to quality will never be evident. In this article, we’ll explain why all roofing contractors should covet strong roofing contracts and comprehensive roofing insurance.
1. No Roofing Contract, No Roofing Success
Listen, as eager as most contractors are to leave their imprint on the roofing industry, a measured and deliberate approach will always yield superior results. From the moment you are contacted for work or bid on a project, you should start considering the various ways you can ensure project success. When your contract is clear, concise, and doesn’t leave any room for interpretation, you will have less problems with things like change orders and missed deadlines.
The contract not only informs all parties about their payment and performance obligations, it also lays the groundwork for expectations. We recommend having all of your contracts reviewed by an experienced attorney before signing on the dotted line. An attorney’s ability to cut through dense legal jargon and translate it into plain speak can be an enormous boon for any roofing contractor that wants to take on projects that are both safe and lucrative.
2. No Roofing Insurance, No Protection
Regardless of the size, complexity, or frequency of the projects a roofing contractor takes on, roofing insurance is essential. Roofing insurance is typically general liability insurance that protects both you and your business against injuries sustained on the project site. Many states require roofing contractors liability insurance to obtain a license, so there’s really no excuse not to have valid roofing insurance coverage. Working without roofing insurance could land you in a bad situation, especially if someone is injured.
If you would like to speak with a roofing lawyer regarding your roofing contract, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.