Construction Law

The Advantages of Promoting Your Business with Social Media
The way we communicate has changed drastically over the past decade. Today, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter command our attention, allowing us to connect with countless others with only a few keystrokes. As a contractor, you may think that there’s no place for construction alongside industries like fashion and entertainment that thrive on social media; however, eschewing social media altogether could be severely limiting your business.
As our Nashville construction litigation attorneys will discuss in this editorial, promoting your construction business on social media has many benefits. Not only is social media free to use, but it’s designed to insert us, the user, into a microcosm of relevant commodities designed to improve our lives or at least make them somewhat easier. Which means, when utilized correctly, social media can operate as a direct portal between you and those who can help our industry grow. As it turns out, construction has its very own niche online, and many contractors are failing to take advantage of the benefits offered by social media. If you want to offset the labor shortage and increase business, it’s time to adopt some new strategies that utilize social media.
Appeal to New Workers
There’s a significant labor shortage affecting the productivity of the construction industry in the United States. We often discuss the ways contractors can combat the labor shortage by investing in additional training and reaching out to students before they graduate high school, but those aren’t the only effective methods for altering perceptions of a job in construction. When a potential worker searches the internet to learn more about construction, they’ll conduct research through two primary channels:
- Search Engines: Google, Bing, and other popular search engines allow users to search for information on virtually any topic. This is one way that interested prospects will determine whether or not a career in construction is right for them. Unfortunately, getting in contact with a real person via a website isn’t always easy, so their final decision could be largely influenced by the resources they find while searching.
- Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other widely-used social media platforms are another way in which users can learn more about the construction industry. Typically, if a user is performing searches on one of these platforms, they most likely have a marked interest in construction already but want to learn more about available jobs and day-to-day life in the industry. This is your company’s chance to shine. By hosting social media profiles that show off the best of what the industry has to offer, you can turn prospective hires into bonafide construction professionals. Plus, social media platforms allow users to connect directly with businesses to learn more about the benefits of the industry.
The goal is to show that construction work is just like any other lucrative occupation. Focus on promoting the positives of the industry. Reinforce the values of construction and the clear path toward success that can be achieved with hard work and diligence. One of the best arguments in favor of the construction industry is that it doesn’t require a costly four-year degree. Moreover, starting salaries for construction professionals and college graduates are largely congruous.
Accessibility and Your Project Portfolio
At our Nashville construction law firm, we’re familiar with the struggles of contractors who are attempting to grow their businesses. The construction industry is competitive, and it takes more than a great workforce to bolster your bottom line. Establishing a compelling portfolio of past projects can not only attract potential hires, but it can lead to new contracts with users who find you while browsing social media, too.
Consider the following scenario: You’re a millennial who has decided that a job in construction is right for you, but you have three offers from three distinct companies. Which would you choose?:
- Company #1: has no information relating to past projects.
- Company #2: has information relating to past projects, but limited pictures or videos detailing the projects.
- Company #3: has an excess of information detailing past projects and life on the project site.
If you answered “Company #3,” you probably have a solid understanding of what new workers are looking for, namely, transparency, a sense of workplace culture, and the ability to work on projects that feel significant, important, or interesting. If you don’t proudly display your work, you’re essentially asking prospective hires to blindly come on board. For new workers, this simply isn’t a risk that many are willing to take. Social media allows you to build your brand, show off your portfolio, and even attract some new business along the way.
There are many reasons why young workers aren’t pursuing careers in construction. For contractors, one of the easiest and least expensive ways to find common ground with these workers is to develop a digital presence. Not only can you increase the number of prospective hires you’re attracting to your business, but you can develop a brand that primes you for success in the future. If you’re interested in learning about the legalities of hosting a public portfolio, or you want to draft a provision into your contracts that allows you to showcase your work without violating a non-disclosure agreement, consult an attorney who practices Nashville construction law.
If you would like to speak with a Nashville construction litigation attorney, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.