Construction Law

The Common Causes of Bridge Collapse Part 2
We are continuing where we left off in part one with our discussion on the common causes of bridge collapse. As we’ll see below, bridge collapse can result from not only environmental influences but also construction defects and negligence. To ensure that you don’t fall prey to groundless construction defect claims that have hindered other construction companies, partner with a Ft. Myers construction defect attorney from Cotney Attorneys & Consultants.
A Lack of Motivation
As covered in a previous article, U.S. bridges were given a C+ by the American Society of Civil Engineers. As with most of America’s infrastructure, bridges rate far below ideal expectations. There is no easy solution to this problem; it is estimated that it would take $123 billion dollars to rehabilitate our nation’s bridges. But a starting point would be for our nation’s lawmakers to agree to adequately fund public projects that could mitigate our infrastructure crisis. Until lawmakers and citizens come to the conclusion that fixing our nation’s bridges should be a priority, bridges will be at continued risk of collapse.
The Human Element
Deficient design, improper materials, and poor maintenance are all factors that can lead to bridge collapse. What do they all have in common? They are factors that can be controlled by contractors during the construction process. When engineers and construction companies cut corners, it inevitably leads to collapse. That’s exactly what happened when engineers failed to heed warnings on one Florida bridge, leading to a deadly and avoidable collapse.
Not all bridge collapses are due to blatant negligence. Something as simple as a material change can lead to a construction defect and resulting bridge collapse, or an exhausted night crew might incorrectly mix a batch of cement. Many mistakes that lead to construction defects are made with the best intentions. However, a construction company’s “best intentions” will have little effect on a judge’s consideration.
Consult an Expert
As we’ve seen throughout this series, bridge collapse can occur for any number of reasons, whether they be before, during, or after construction. In many cases, construction defects remained undetectable until it was too late. Don’t wait for obvious signs of structural failure before implementing the required safety measures. To ensure that your company is protected from claims resulting from patent and latent construction defects on bridge projects, partner with a Ft. Myers construction defect attorney from Cotney Attorneys & Consultants.
If you would like to speak with a Ft. Myers construction defect lawyer, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.