
The Future of Construction: Exoskeletons Part 2
Exoskeletons are metal frameworks that enhance the abilities of workers and reduce the risk of injury on a construction site. This is an emerging technology that will quickly find its way onto more and more jobsites over the coming decades. In part one of this two-part article, we went over a few exoskeleton examples. Now, a Hillsborough County construction lawyer at Cotney Construction Law will discuss another type of exoskeleton and detail why they are needed in the construction industry.
Full-Body Exoskeletons
This is probably what pops into your head when you first think of an exoskeleton. A prime example being the Guardian XO Max, a full-body exoskeleton that responds to the movements of the wearer and transfers weight from the lifted object to the ground. It can amplify a person’s strength by a degree of 20 while being completely electrical and battery operated. These suits are a far cry from the exoskeletons of the past that weighed 1.5 tons and would experience bugs that caused “violent and uncontrollable motion.”
Why Are Exoskeletons Needed?
Construction work is among the most dangerous occupations in America. One of the prevailing causes of fatal accidents on a construction site is unintentional contact with equipment, while hand and back injuries are the most common non-fatal injuries. Each of these distressing statistics can be lowered through the use of exoskeletons. Even small, non-powered exoskeletons can be the difference between life and death on the jobsite.
In addition to reducing injury, exoskeletons can help with the ongoing labor shortage that is affecting the construction industry. Not only will exoskeletons reduce the need for labor, but they will also attract younger generations to construction work and prolong the careers of aging workers. No matter how you look at it, exoskeletons are bringing positive change to the construction industry.
Whether or not exoskeletons are deployed on your jobsite, it’s always important to look out for the signs of fatigue and injury. The lack of a state-of-the-art exoskeleton is no excuse for negligence in regards to jobsite risks. In the unfortunate event of a jobsite accident or injury, please consult with a Hillsborough County construction lawyer to ensure that your rights are protected.
If you would like to speak with one of our Hillsborough County construction lawyers, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.