OSHA Defense
Tips for Preventing Hole and Skylight Falls Part 2
Nearly 40 percent of all construction industry deaths are fall-related. Year after year, fall protection is the most-cited violation by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). At particular risk are workers who labor on roofs with skylights or holes. These areas can present a tremendous danger if precautions are not put in place to block off these areas or to provide proper warning of them.
In the first part of our series, we provided basic OSHA fall protection measures that can keep workers safe and job sites compliant. In the second part of this series, we will outline additional protective measures.
Do Not Sit on Skylights
Skylights cannot support the weight of the average-sized adult. This may seem obvious, but if you have been working all day and want to take a short break, you may not be thinking about it. Signage indicating that you can’t sit on skylights should be used.
Use Personal Protective Equipment
Personal protective equipment should be used when working on any roof, but it is especially important if you are working around skylights or holes in the roof. A personal fall arrest system should be used if you are working above six feet. It’s a good practice to inspect your equipment daily.
Create a Fall Prevention Program
For employers, it’s critical to produce an OSHA fall protection plan prior to the start of the project. This plan should comply with OSHA standards and include information regarding fall protection systems, proper labeling, and general safety procedures. This program should also be the basis for safety training.
To speak with a roofing lawyer about OSHA fall protection regulations, please call us today at (866) 303-5868 or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.