Construction Law
Tips for Preventing Theft on Construction Sites Part 2
As Miami construction litigation attorneys, we’ve worked with countless clients within the construction industry. Many of them have commented that theft is one of the biggest problems they face. It’s impact is far-reaching with primary loses (the need to re-purchase equipment or materials) and secondary losses (higher insurance costs, project delays.)
To combat theft, it take a combination of best practices and investments in time and money. Below are three ways in which construction sites are protecting their investments. For more tips on preventing theft, visit part one of this series.
Security Cameras
Using security cameras is a simple, yet effective solution to preventing theft. To ensure that you can keep a watchful eye on the job site during non-working hours, use solar-powered units with battery backups. Also, making sure that the camera is visible can serve as an effective deterrent.
Let Your Employees Know That You Are Watching
This doesn’t have to be done in an intimidating way. There are subtle ways to send the message that you have an eye on the job site’s assets. Hold regular meetings in which you go over project specifics in detail. Continually recognize the progress that your employees are making on the project. Take pictures and make detailed notes daily. Seeing that you have a close eye on all aspects of a construction project will deter those who think they can steal items and get away with it.
Do Background Checks
One of the best ways to deter theft is to spend time in the hiring process finding people who don’t have a history of theft. Background checks won’t guarantee that you will not have issues, but it does reduce the risk by helping you identify people who are more likely to steal.
To request a consultation with an experienced Miami construction litigation attorney, please call us today at 954.210.8735 or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.