Construction Law

Transferable Skills for Veterans in Construction
With more than 200,000 service members returning to civilian life every year, it’s important to help our veterans ease into industries that prime them for success. Many argue that the construction industry is a natural fit for these workers, and at first glance, it seems like a match made in heaven. Veterans need work that can help them support themselves and their families, while the construction industry is battling a severe labor shortage with no end in sight. In this article, an Orlando construction law attorney will explain how veterans can contribute to the construction industry and discuss the transferable skills that make them such effective workers.
A Trend to Build On
There are approximately 666,400 veterans currently working in the construction industry, which accounts for 15.5 percent of all veterans. This is proof that many veterans are looking to the construction industry for a long-term career. Now, it’s up to the construction industry to employ strategies that maximize their ability to acquire and retain these workers. Veterans have also demonstrated success as leaders in the construction industry. Veterans are twice as likely as civilians to own a business, and 11.4 percent of all construction companies are lead by veterans.
Top Transferable Skills
As we covered in the previous section, the veteran predisposition towards construction jobs is bolstered by their transferable skills. Veterans have a tendency to work in technical industries and high-level trades. For instance, approximately 16.9 percent of veterans work in professional, scientific, and technical services, while over a quarter work in construction, repair, maintenance, and other hands-on services. Veterans develop a wide range of important skills during their service to the United States, such as the ability to hold a mission-critical mindset during projects. They’re also highly disciplined and accustomed to working through challenges by relying on grit and persistence. It goes without saying that they have a strong sense of safety and value teamwork. Plus, they can take orders and give them, which makes them effective workers regardless of their role on a project.
Attracting and Retaining Veteran Workers
The construction industry is looking to fill hundreds of thousands of positions, and veterans are one of the ideal labor pools to draw from. In order to attract even more veterans, the industry needs to advertise education and training opportunities, showcase the work-life balance that can be achieved in construction, and make it clear that the construction industry can be like a family. Other effective strategies for attracting veterans include making information about construction industry benefits like healthcare premiums and 401K plans more readily available and interfacing with organizations that support veterans, such as Hiring Our Heroes, Helmets to Hardhats, and Hardhat Heroes.
If you would like to speak with an attorney from our Orlando construction law firm, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.