Construction Law

Understanding Paycheck Laws
When starting a construction company, there may be times in which you are low on cash. You may have projects that are out for bid or you may be waiting for payments from owners. It can be stressful and it’s easy to push off payment of your employees until you are on more solid footing. However, an employer defense attorney in Tampa will advise you that this is a bad idea. Along with damaging employee morale, you may be opening yourself up to lawsuits from disgruntled workers.
It’s critical to have a basic understanding of laws pertaining to employee compensation. That’s why our team of attorneys for employers in Tampa are listing four important laws that business owners should know.
Payment at the End of Pay Period
In Florida, there are no requirements for the interval in which you pay a private sector employee. However, whatever interval you choose, you are required to pay employees promptly after the pay period is complete. This includes any overtime pay owed to the employee.
Withholding Payment
Employers are not allowed to withhold payment for work performed for any reason. If you are considering not paying an employee for work they have completed, it’s highly advisable that you reconsider. If an employee pursues a lawsuit, they can do so for the money that’s owed to them plus legal fees, liquidated damages, and court costs.
Back Pay
If you owe an employee back pay, you must pay it. This should be done at the end of the following pay period. Not doing so can be legally detrimental and can lead to an employee lawsuit for back pay and liquidated damages.
Paycheck Errors
The error may be unintentional, but it’s still important that you correct it as soon as possible. Generally speaking, an error on an employee’s paycheck (one in which you pay them less than they earned), should be corrected by the following pay period.
To request a consultation with an employer attorney in Tampa, please call us today at 813.579.3278 or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.