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Understanding Scope of Work

As you probably know, a contract outlines what you are responsible for on a construction project. However, a contract should also explain what you are not responsible for. These details are part of your “scope of work.”

Creating a Playbook

The scope of work for a construction project is sometimes called a statement of work. It is like a playbook. The scope of work includes what work will be done, how workers can complete the job, and who is responsible for different tasks. Below are some basic elements:

  • Overview: This statement provides a short summary of the project, including a project description and its main objectives.
  • Scope:This section includes the goals outlined in the construction contract. Details should include technical specifications, the budget, and other quantifiable data.
  • Deliverables:This section outlines all project targets and objectives, clearly stating all relevant information regarding the project’s requirements.
  • Schedule:This section designates the timeline for the construction project, including delivery dates and the overall project length.
  • Management:This section details all project administration functions, including payment information and legal requirements.

Making Changes

Be sure that your contract specifically lays out the change order process, including who is authorized to approve those change orders. That way, if you are asked to perform work outside your original scope—or if there is a clear need for more work—you can rest assured you will be given either more money or more time to complete it.

Avoiding Conflict

When your contract clearly defines your scope of work, you can avoid disputes during the span of a project. That clarity helps ensure that all parties understand the expectations of the other parties.

The more definitive you make your scope of work, the less likely a dispute will arise over change orders, timelines, payment, and other issues.

Asking for Legal Advice

Reviewing your contract and writing a scope of work can be time-consuming and a little daunting. If you need assistance and want to be sure your contract is solid, consult the construction attorneys at Cotney. Our lawyers can help with contract negotiations and ensure that all the necessary provisions are included. We can anticipate problems and help protect your construction company in any scenario.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.