OSHA Defense
Understanding the Various Types of Nail Gun Triggers Part 3
Do your workers commonly use nail guns on the project site? Although operating a nail gun may seem straightforward, accidents involving recoil and double fire can quickly turn a safe project site into a injury-ridden nightmare. As we mentioned in part one, nail guns are linked to tens of thousands of injuries every year, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is keen to dish out citations to contractors who have failed to properly train their workers on how to safely utilize nail guns.
There’s more than one type of nail gun trigger, and workers should be equipped with the knowledge to utilize any of the triggers our OSHA defense attorneys discussed in parts one and two, as well as the one we will cover in the final part of this three-part series.
Single Actuation Trigger
Single actuation triggers function similarly to contact triggers, meaning the trigger will discharge a single nail regardless of the order the safety contact and trigger are activated. To fire a second nail, the operator must only release the trigger, move the nail gun, and squeeze the trigger again without letting off on the safety contact tip. Depending on the manufacturer, this type of trigger may also be referred to as a “single sequential trigger;” however, this designation isn’t technically correct, so you should confirm the exact type of trigger before allowing a worker who is inexperienced with single actuation triggers to operate one. With a single actuation trigger you can bump fire the first nail. This can’t be achieved with a single sequential trigger.
Consistency Is Key When Dealing With Trigger Terms
The International Staple, Nail, and Tool Association (ISANTA) has a voluntary standard that “nails down” technical definitions for various trigger actuation systems. Since tool manufacturers oftentimes use their own names for trigger modes, and many of these terms vary from those commonly used on project sites, it’s important to maintain consistency when dealing with trigger terms to mitigate risks and ensure that all workers are equipped with the proper tools that they have been trained to operate. Always check the tool label and manual for manufacturer-specific trigger terms that could differ from your expectations, thereby opening your business up to potential OSHA citations.
If you would like to speak with one of our OSHA defense lawyers, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.