
Utilizing Nanomaterials to Improve Construction Materials
As the construction industry continues to grow and evolve, an increasing number of technological innovations will reshape the techniques, practices, and methodologies commonly used by construction professionals. However, the changes don’t stop there. New technology means new safety guidelines, additional laws, and more headaches for contractors. Fortunately, by partnering with an experienced Nashville construction law firm, you can safeguard yourself against these changes in technology and ensure that your contracting business is protected against any new laws that fly under the radar.
In this article, a Nashville construction attorney will detail one of the cutting-edge advancements in construction technology coming down the pipeline: nanomaterials and nanocomposites used to improve construction materials.
The Benefits of Nanomaterials
Nanotechnology has been one of the most important driving forces for innovation in the construction industry over the last few years. The benefits of nanomaterials are numerous. Since these materials have unique abilities at the nanoscale, scientists speculate that nanomaterials will have beneficial applications in the construction sector. At a rudimentary level, nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, and nanofibers can be developed into more durable structural materials, but once this technology is developed further, they will be used as “functional materials and systems.”
2025: The Explosive Growth of Nanomaterials
Over 50 percent of building materials are expected to contain nanomaterials of some form by 2025. These building materials will be lighter, stronger, and more energy efficient than their contemporaries. Compared to ordinary concrete, which is crafted from a mixture of cement, sand, gravel, water, and admixtures, new building materials will include nano-silica (SiO2) which effectively reduces the calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) reaction, therefore, obstructing the diffusion of water and bolstering the material’s structural integrity.
Carbon nanotubes can improve cement mortar by increasing its compressive strength and altering its electrical properties. This is one of the most exciting developments in nanotechnology as carbon nanotubes can be utilized to detect damage in a structure. By adding titanium dioxide (TiO2) to concrete, this important building material gains the ability to break down dirt. This makes cleaning and maintenance much easier.
As a contractor, you already have a full plate. Between procuring supplies, overseeing workers, meeting deadlines, and dealing with owners, you’re already overburdened. When new technology is introduced, like the recent development of nanomaterials used to improve construction materials, there’s a high likelihood that having a Nashville construction attorney on your side will abate any potential changes in construction law or policy that occur as a result.
If you would like to speak with a Nashville construction attorney about taking a proactive approach to your construction law needs, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.