Construction Law
Ways to Motivate Your Construction Team Part 2
Every team needs to have wind beneath their sails. There needs to be a force that pushes them to give their best effort on a daily basis. Ideally, you want that force to be internal, but oftentimes, leaders of construction companies must be in charge of motivating their employees. As Sarasota construction attorneys, we’ve seen a lot of construction companies. The best ones have a motivated workforce.
In the first part of our series on motivating your construction team, we focused on small but effective actions that, when taken, make a huge difference in the effort you may get from your team. In part two, we will dive further into best practices for getting the most out of your construction team.
Provide Clear Expectations
Construction projects are often harried and, at times, it’s hard to commit to the time necessary to make sure that your staff knows exactly what they are doing. However, if they complete a task incorrectly, even more time is lost. It’s critical that foremen take the time to create a clear picture of not only how to do the job, but what’s the expected outcome. Even if the expectations are high, workers will feel more confident about what lies ahead of them than they would if they were trying to hit a moving target.
Give Employees The Big Picture
Another issue with the rushed nature of construction projects is that it’s easy just to order employees to simply “do their jobs” without informing them of the larger significance of what they are doing. Every task performed on a construction site is part of a greater effort that results in a structure of some sort. Every structure that’s built whether it’s a home, a highway, or a hospital has significance to the end user. Helping construction workers make this connection can go a long way in keeping them motivated.
Show Them You Care
Even in the professional setting, every employee wants to feel that they are valued as a person and a contributor to the company. It’s important to build a culture in which both personal lives and professional accomplishments are celebrated. Any Sarasota construction lawyer will tell you, construction crews will do more for employers that they feel care about their personal welfare. Along with making a point to ask employees about their lives off the job site, consider these small gestures:
- Host a team appreciation lunch
- Celebrate team birthdays
- Create a family wall in which people can post pictures of their loved ones.
To request a consultation with an experienced Sarasota construction attorney, please call us today at 813.579.3278 or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.