Construction Law

Welcoming Millennials into the Construction Industry (Part 3)
Despite sometimes unfair public perception, the problem isn’t that millennials do not want to work; it’s that they do not want to work in the construction industry. Sadly, we need to acknowledge the current troubling trend that most young professionals consider construction jobs as a last resort. In the first section of our article, we focused on the ways we can recruit millennials into the construction workforce. In the second section, we discussed how to properly provide them with the education they will need to prosper.
In this final section, we will embrace many of the most negative perceptions of the “participation trophy” generation and why some of these often perceived negative characteristics could actually be beneficial if properly utilized in the construction industry’s exciting future.
Promoting Innovation
Although we generally stereotype the millennial generation as being sidetracked by technology, this talent for utilizing and communicating through the digital realm will only become more prevalent in the future of the industry. With heavy machinery brands working tirelessly on state-of-the-art autonomous devices, there will be even more emphasis in the digital application of these devices in future generations and on the men and women to operate them. Typically, millennials are excellent with utilizing groundbreaking technology.
Show Them You Care
Often millennials are perceived as flighty in the career world looking to jump ship to a better opportunity at the first sign of trouble. This perception is often because many millennials entered the workforce during a recession meaning that many employers were unable to offer competitive pay with benefits at that time. The construction industry can offer these young professionals good entry level pay and motivation to move up the company ladder. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, construction laborers earn approximately $32,000 annually; whereas, construction managers’ average salary is approximately three times as much annually.
As members of the construction industry, it is our duty to one day pass the torch to the next generation of responsible contractors, construction site managers, laborers, and even Miami construction litigation attorneys. By investing in the right young individuals, offering opportunities for career advancement, and by creating an interesting workplace culture, employers will see their loyalty kindly rewarded by many of these young, talented individuals.
If you would like to speak with a Miami construction litigation attorney, please contact us at 954.210.8735, or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.