Construction Law

What Out-of-State Contractors Need to Know About Licensing Exam and Reciprocal Information in Tennessee Part 2
In part one of this two-part series, the Knoxville construction attorneys at Cotney Attorneys & Consultants discussed information for out-of-state contractors looking to perform work in Tennessee. We started by answering two questions:
- Who Takes the Exam?
- What Are the Two Types of Exams?
Now, we will continue to take an in-depth look at the licensing exam and reciprocal information in Tennessee. If you’ve recently found yourself in hot water as a result of a licensing dispute and you’re in need of license defense services, consult a Knoxville construction attorney from Cotney Attorneys & Consultants.
Breaking Down the Various Trade Exams
In addition to the Tennessee “Business and Law” exam, which every contractor is required to obtain before breaking ground, there are a vast multitude of trade exams covering a wide range of specialized services including:
- Building (BC)
- Residential Building (BC-A)
- Commercial Building (BC-B)
- Small Commercial (BC-b(sm))
- Industrial Building (BC-C)
- Electrical (CE)
- Mechanical (CMC)
- Plumbing (CMC-A)
- Masonry (LMC)
Trade Exam Waivers (Reciprocation)
Tennessee has established trade exam waiver (reciprocal) agreements with several states. If you possess the proper licensing in one of these states, a trade exam waiver may nullify your need for testing. However, you will still be required to take the Tennessee Business and Law exam. Tennessee holds trade exam waiver agreements for various specializations with Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
Obtaining a Limited License for Residential Construction
If you plan to work on projects valued below $125,000, you may have the opportunity to forego the BC-A residential trade exam and Tennessee Business and Law exam by obtaining a restricted residential limited license or BC-A/r. This license, offered as a course at a Tennessee community college or vocational school, does not negate the need for other application requirements. The BC-A/r only waives the need to take the exams. If your contract surpasses this license’s monetary limit, you will be in violation of state licensing requirements.
Passing and Failing
As we mentioned in part one, the Qualifying Agent (QA) will be alerted to whether or not they passed upon completion of the exam. For a fee, PSI offers exam review services aimed at helping the tester understand their strengths and weaknesses. Once you pass, your exam scores are valid for two years, but there are exceptions to this rule. Remaining active in the construction industry in the area or performing legal work that doesn’t require licensure could extend the validity of your scores. Each case is handled independently, so if any confusion arises, consult a Knoxville construction attorney.
If you would like to speak with one of our Knoxville construction attorneys, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.