OSHA Defense

What to Focus on During National Safety Month Part 2
Although construction firms realize that they must commit themselves year round to the most effective safety measures, June is especially important as it is recognized as National Safety Month. In this two-part article, a Florida OSHA lawyer is discussing several safety topics related to the National Safety Council’s (NSC) National Safety Month. As we previously discussed in part one, there are several ways that employers can share valuable safety tips with their employees. In this part, we will discuss this year’s selected topics to focus on this June.
Week 1: Hazard Recognition
The first week of National Safety Month will focus on hazard recognition. One of the first tasks companies must take on when they enter the jobsite is to identify hazards. Moreover, new hazards will form as the project progresses. Contractors must understand the risk assessment process to identify and mitigate these issues. Furthermore, employees must be trained on how to spot hazards and take a proactive approach to developing a solution to these issues. As potential hazards can take many forms, it’s critical that construction firms and their employees understand these threats and how to reduce the likelihood of a hazard impacting their workplace.
Week 2: Slips, Trips, and Falls
It should come as no surprise that the second week of National Safety Month 2019 is focused on slips, trips, and falls. Every construction firm should be aware that falling deaths remain the most common form of workplace fatality. Falls are especially concerning for construction and roofing industry professionals. Whether these incidents occur because of a complacent workplace, overlooked hazards, failure to wear the right safety equipment, or a variety of other factors, the end result is that slips, trips, and falls remain a paramount concern and sites need to do their best to prevent these accidents.
Week 3: Fatigue
Construction work is challenging and can cause workers to suffer from extreme fatigue. An overly exerted worker is more prone to both a long-term injury or a short-term mistake resulting in a serious accident. Extreme physical exhaustion can also affect workers mentally and emotionally. There are many ways jobsites can reduce fatigue by providing workers with more breaks and implementing techniques that reduce strain on the body, such as stretching exercises. There are also many effective ways workers can reduce fatigue outside the workplace, including adopting a better diet, committing to an exercise regimen, and getting the doctor-recommended amount of sleep.
Week 4: Impairment
With the Opioid Crisis’ immense impact on the construction industry, workplace safety and impairment has evolved from just the abuse of illegal drugs and alcohol to prescribed opioids among other concerning issues. Other important topics in 2019 include the legalization of marijuana in many states and whether or not construction companies should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in regard to any form of drug use.
Although June may be National Safety Month, contractors know that every month in construction is equally important in regard to safety and health concerns. If your jobsite needs assistance with safety laws and regulations, consult a Florida OSHA lawyer.
If you would like to speak with a Florida OSHA defense lawyer, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.