OSHA Defense
Why Construction Firms Need an OSHA Defense Lawyer for their Job Site
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal government agency that was created to protect the safety and wellbeing of employees throughout numerous industries, including construction. Year after year, there are countless workplace accidents that occur on construction sites because of unsafe work conditions. To reduce workplace accidents and fatalities, OSHA enforces robust health and safety regulations and conducts routine inspections of job sites to ensure employee safety.
If you are a contractor who was recently issued a citation by OSHA, Florida OSHA defense lawyers can help you dispute a citation and maintain a safe workplace. Through our comprehensive audit procedure, we make certain that your firm is protected from workplace liabilities.
Preventing Unnecessary Fines and Violations
As stated above, OSHA exists to protect employees from oversights or negligence that can lead to bodily harm or unsafe workplaces. Although it is a joint effort between a contractor and their employees to maintain a safe workplace, responsibility ultimately falls on the contractor for any violation of OSHA’s extensive rules and regulations. OSHA’s regulations are amended annually, so Florida contractors should regularly communicate with their Florida OSHA defense lawyers to ensure that they are in compliance with any and all safety laws. Contractors with any concerns over the safety of their workplace should schedule for one of our OSHA defense lawyers to perform a job site audit to ensure a safe work environment.
Related: Important OSHA Facts for Contractors
Know Your Rights as a Florida Contractor
Contractors might feel powerless when they receive a fine from OSHA and can be unsure of how to best proceed. However, there are a number of defenses our Florida OSHA defense attorneys can raise to combat any fine. After you have received a citation, OSHA must provide corroborated proof of the alleged incident. Employers have their own set of rights to protect themselves from OSHA and even their own employees.
Related: An Introduction to OSHA Violation Defense
Often times, employee misconduct is a common way for contractors to challenge an OSHA citation. Any violation caused by an employee’s unwillingness to follow the pre-specified guidelines of the job site falls on the individual employee, not the contractor. As Florida OSHA defense lawyers, we represent contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers against citations and complaints in the State of Florida. From jobsite audits to safety manual updates and OSHA defense strategies, there are several ways our services can provide your workforce with a safe work environment.
If you would like to speak with one of our Florida OSHA defense attorneys, please contact us today.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.