Construction Law
Why Roofers Should File Mechanics Liens
Roofers may get their fair share of roofing work, but cash flow is a prevailing problem for many contractors. Typically, these cash flow issues are a result of invoices remaining unpaid after project work is completed. This is why licensed roofing contractors should use Florida mechanics lien law to their advantage.
Resolve Your Cash Flow Problems
Cash flow issues can be caused by a number of things. In particular, poor billing procedures and weak collection efforts are primary culprits. It’s critical that roofing contractors keep an eye on their daily sales outstanding (DSO), which is a calculation of their accounts receivables as they monitor their cash flow. A high DSO can mean cash flow problems are on the horizon. If billing is a weak area for you, consider hiring an expert to ensure that you get your invoices out on time and to send out the proper notices that will preserve your lien rights.
Don’t Let Liens Intimidate You
Although complicated, liens exist to protect your best interests. You may think they will negatively affect your company, but protecting it from financial risks is a wise business practice. As long as you are licensed and have filed the proper preliminary notices, if you perform work or supply materials on a project, you have a right to payment for your services. If a customer fails to pay, you can place a lien on their property. A Florida roofing attorney can provide counsel on how to file properly and meet deadlines.
Make Filing Your Priority
Filing a lien will ensure that the owner you are in a contract with is fully aware of the outstanding debt. This will make the lien process easier should you have to enforce your lien rights. Filing a lien allows you to focus on your roofing work rather than hunting down every payment owed to you. Also, filing a lien will increase the overall revenue your company receives so you can continue doing business.
Lien law requires careful consideration when pursuing enforcement of a lien. Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, establishes timetables for recording the Notice of Commencement, serving Notices to Owner, and recording and foreclosing on a Claim of Lien. If you have questions about construction lien law, consult with a roofing lawyer in Florida to ensure you get the money owed to you.
If you would like to speak with a roofing attorney in Florida, please contact us at 1-866-303-5868, or submit our contact request form.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.